Exel Oyj Interim Report for January 1 - March 31, 2007

EXEL OYJ    STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE                                                 
First quarter in brief                                                          

- Net sales rose to EUR 28.8 million or 12.5 per cent over the corresponding    
period previous year (EUR 25.6 million)                                         
- Operating profit was EUR 3.5 million compared to EUR 0.6 million including EUR
-1.9 million of non-recurring items first quarter 2006                          
- Operating profit 12.2 (2.4) per cent of net sales                             
- Earnings per share were EUR 0.19 (0.03), adjusted for full dilution           

GROUP KEY FINANCIAL FIGURES, EUR MILLION                                        
(Figures are unaudited)                                                         

|                          |      1.1. - |   1.1. - |    Change, % |    1.1. - |
|                          |       31.3. |    31.3. |              |    31.12. |
|                          |        2007 |     2006 |              |      2006 |
| Net sales                |        28.8 |     25.6 |         12.5 |     112.4 |
| Operating profit         |         3.5 |      0.6 |        484.7 |       0.4 |
| % of net sales           |        12.2 |      2.4 |              |       0.3 |
| Profit for the period    |         2.3 |      0.3 |        613.3 |      -0.7 |
| Shareholders´ equity     |        26.6 |     29.4 |         -9.6 |      24.4 |
| Net interest-bearing     |        29.5 |     25.5 |         15.6 |      27.5 |
| liabilities              |             |          |              |           |
| Capital employed         |        61.9 |     62.6 |         -1.0 |      58.1 |
| Return on equity, %      |        36.2 |      4.6 |              |      -2.9 |
| Return on capital        |        24.3 |      5.0 |              |       1.2 |
| employed, %              |             |          |              |           |
| Equity ratio, %          |        31.7 |     35.1 |              |      29.9 |
| Net gearing, %           |       110.9 |     86.7 |              |     112.8 |
| Earnings per share, EUR  |        0.19 |     0.03 |        598.7 |     -0.06 |
| Earnings per share, EUR, |        0.19 |     0.03 |        613.4 |     -0.06 |
| diluted                  |             |          |              |           |
| Equity per share, EUR    |        2.23 |     2.49 |        -10.4 |      2.05 |

IFRS REPORTING                                                                  

Exel has applied IFRS reporting since the beginning of 2005. This interim report
has been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles 
of IFRS, which are the same as in the 2006 financial statements.                

The financial statements of Pacific Composites Pty. Ltd., which was acquired by 
Exel Oyj on 28 February 2006, are included in the consolidated financial        
statements as of 1 March 2006.                                                  

NET SALES                                                                       

Exel's consolidated net sales for January-March grew by 12.5 per cent over the  
previous year to EUR 28.8 (25.6) million. The major part of the growth is       
stemming from the acquisition of Pacific Composites. The Sport Division's       
cross-country and alpine products sales suffered from the mild winter and stiff 
competition. Additionally, the Sport Division's sales were impacted negatively  
by quality and delivery problems due to the transfer of the pole production to  

FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE                                                           

Exel's operating profit for the first quarter increased to EUR 3.5 million,     
compared to EUR 0.6 million (including non-recurring items of EUR -1.9 million) 
the corresponding period last year. Operating profit as a percentage of net     
sales was 12.2 (2.4) per cent. The improvement of the operating profit is based 
on the restructuring measures taken in 2006 in the Sport Division, and the      
impact of the Pacific Composites acquisition.                                   

The Group's net financial expenses were EUR 0.3 (0.2) million. The Group's      
pre-tax profit was EUR 3.2 (0.5) million, and profit for the reporting period   
totalled EUR 2.3 (0.3) million.                                                 

BALANCE SHEET AND FINANCIAL POSITION                                            

The consolidated balance sheet total at the end of the reporting period stood at
EUR 84.0 (83.9) million.                                                        

At the end of the reporting period, equity was EUR 26.6 (29.4) million, and the 
solvency ratio was 31.7 (35.1) per cent. Interest-bearing liabilities were EUR  
35.4 (33.2) million, of which short-term liabilities accounted for EUR 9.9 (6.0)
million. Net interest-bearing liabilities were EUR 29.5 (25.5) million, and the 
net gearing was 110.9 (86.7) per cent.                                          

The cash flow from business operations in the first quarter was EUR -1.2 (1.3)  
million. At the end of the reporting period, the Group had liquid assets of EUR 
5.9 million, compared with EUR 6.2 million at the end of 2006.                  
CAPITAL EXPENDITURE                                                             

The Group's capital expenditure totalled EUR 0.6 (0.8) million, used for        
maintenance and replacement purposes.                                           


The number of people employed by the Exel Group on 31 March 2007 was 588 (621). 
Of these 239 (303) worked in Finland and 349 (318) abroad. The number of        
employees during the reporting period averaged 576 (518). The increase from last
year is mainly due to the acquisition of Pacific Composites. At the same time,  
there was a reduction of personnel due to the restructuring of the Sport        

CHANGES IN THE MANAGEMENT                                                       

Mr. Aki Karihtala was appointed Managing Director of Exel Sports as of 1 March, 
following Mr. Mika Sulin who resigned on 28 February 2007.                      

STRATEGIC REORIENTATION                                                         
Focus on Industry Division                                                      

Through the acquisition of Pacific Composites, Exel established itself as the   
world's first truly international pultrusion company. The acquisition reinforced
Exel's Industry Division in the growing Asian markets and improved the company's
ability to serve international customers. Exel will continue to invest in its   
core industrial business and to expand operations organically and through       
The global pultrusion market is highly fragmented, but it is consolidating. Exel
is in a strong position to lead this consolidation with bolt-on acquisitions and
to reap benefits from synergies. Focusing Exel Group's resources on its core    
industrial business under a streamlined structure will provide a solid platform 
for building long-term shareholder value.                                       

Sports Brands business demerged into stand-alone company                        
Notwithstanding its achievements in the industrial markets, Exel has built a    
significant Sports Brands consumer goods business with sales of EUR 19 million  
in 2006. Exel Sports Brands is the creator of the Nordic Walking and Nordic     
Fitness SportsTM concepts. It is a leading producer of poles and floorball      
Exel Sports Brands is now separated from all other Exel activities. The 2006    
restructuring program has adjusted the too heavy cost level to current sales in 
order to restore profitability of the business. Exel has also subcontracted all 
finishing, assembly and packaging operations for poles and floorball products to
China. Exel Sports Brands has now been transformed from a technology driven     
organization to a truly market oriented company. Through the extensive          
restructuring measures, the competitive position of Exel Sports Brands has been 
reinforced, but the market conditions remain difficult. However, as Exel Sports 
Brands is no longer a core activity within the Exel Group, Exel reviews         
different structural alternatives and seeks a strategic partner with a long-term
interest in developing the Exel Sports Brands company and contributing to its   
positive development.                                                           

BUSINESS SEGMENTS                                                               

The Group's operations are divided into two primary segments: the Industry      
Division and the Sport Division. The Industry Division includes all production  
activities in the company from 1 January 2007. Therefore Sports Industry        
business including Plastics operations in Germany and Mäntyharju operations in  
Finland, which earlier were part of the Sport Division, have been transferred to
the Industry Division. The comparative divisional figures from 2006 have been   
changed correspondingly.                                                        

Industry Division                                                               

The Industry Division's key financial figures for the reporting period were as  

| Industry Division        |    1.1. - |     1.1. - |  Change, % |      1.1. - |
| Segment Key Figures      | 31.3.2007 |  31.3.2006 |            |  31.12.2006 |
| EUR million              |           |            |            |             |
| Net sales                |      26.7 |       23.1 |       15.4 |       105.0 |
| Operating profit         |       4.3 |        2.1 |      106.4 |         9.0 |
| % of net sales           |      16.0 |        9.0 |            |         8.5 |
| Average number of        |       506 |        424 |       19.3 |         510 |
| personnel                |           |            |            |             |

The Industry Division's net sales increased by 15.4 per cent from the previous  
year's level. Growth was mainly due to the integration of the Pacific Composites
Group and new profile applications in the European units especially for         
building, construction and energy applications. The antenna profile market was  
down from last year. Strong efforts to introduce new applications for composite 
profiles were continued.                                                        

Profitability remained on a good level despite considerable increases in raw    
material prices. Part of this price pressure was successfully passed on within  
the production chain.                                                           
Operating profit grew by 106.4 per cent to EUR 4.3 million, up from EUR 2.1     
(including EUR 1.5 million of non-recurring items) million a year earlier. This 
improvement in profitability was caused by higher sales volumes and productivity
gains at the main factories. The Belgian factory in particular has achieved     
better productivity and operating profit than last year.                        
Short supply of certain carbon fibre types continued throughout the reporting   
period, and has still slowed down sales of some new applications. This will most
probably continue during the whole year. Most carbon fibre suppliers have       
announced increase in production capacity. The resulting new capacity will be   
available on the market in stages during 2007-2008.                             
Synergies and benefits of integration of the Pacific Composites Group have been 
successfully gained. Exel is the only international pultrusion company capable  
to serve global OEM customers. Especially Exel's ability to serve its European  
and Australian customers in Asia has improved significantly.                    
Sport Division                                                                  

The Sport Division's key financial figures for the reporting period were as     

| Sport Division           |   1.1. - |      1.1. - |  Change, % |      1.1. - |
| Segment Key Figures      |    31.3. |       31.3. |            |      31.12. |
| EUR million              |     2007 |        2006 |            |        2006 |
| Net sales                |      3.7 |         5.9 |      -36.9 |        19.3 |
| Operating profit         |     -0.7 |        -1.6 |       55.2 |        -9.4 |
| % of net sales           |    -18.9 |       -26.6 |            |       -48.8 |
| Average number of        |       52 |          73 |      -28.8 |          69 |
| personnel                |          |             |            |             |

The Sport Division's net sales decreased by 36.9 per cent from the previous     
year's level, mainly due to the mild winter, which also had a negative impact on
reorders. In addition, Exel had delays in deliveries from its Chinese pole      
suppliers. Therefore, sales ended up substantially lower than previous year. The
Nordic Walking market in Germany, however, has recovered slightly. Agreements   
have been signed with distributors in Italy, France and South-Korea to generate 
additional sales. The sales of floorball products have developed well during the

The Sport Division's operating loss was EUR -0.7 million (-1.2 million before   
non recurring items). Despite the fact that the margins were in line with       
expectations, the quarter resulted in an operating loss due to the substantially
lower sales than previous year, especially in continental Europe. During the    
period measures were taken to improve the sourcing of sporting goods.           

In February the entire Finnish Sports organization moved to a separate office in

SHARE CAPITAL AND MARKET CAPITALIZATION                                         

At the end of March, Exel´s share capital was EUR 2,141,431.74 and the number of
shares was 11,896,843. There were no changes in the share capital during the    

Based on the closing price in the reporting period, market capitalisation       
totalled EUR 154.7 (168.8) million.                                             


During the reporting period 689,368 (2,574,569) shares were traded, accounting  
for 5.8 (22.3) per cent of the average number of outstanding shares.            
The highest share quotation during the reporting period was EUR 14.00 (14.84)   
and the lowest EUR 12.50 (10.80). The share price closed at EUR 13.00 (14.59).  
The average share price during the reporting period was EUR 13.23 (12.99).      

DISCLOSURES OF CHANGES IN HOLDINGS                                              

No shareholders´ disclosures of changes in holdings in the company were received
by Exel.                                                                        

EVENTS AFTER THE PERIOD                                                         

The Annual General Meeting of Exel Oyj was held on 19 April 2007. The accounts  
of the Group were approved and the members of the Board of Directors and the    
President were discharged from liability for the financial year 2006. The AGM   
approved the proposal to distribute a dividend of EUR 0.20, corresponding to a  
total dividend of EUR 2,379,368.60 based on the number of shares on the date of 
the AGM. It also authorised Exel's Board of Directors to acquire and convey the 
company's own shares, and to increase the company's share capital by a maximum  
of EUR 100,000.                                                                 

The AGM confirmed the number of members of the Board of Directors as five and   
elected a new Board. Kari Haavisto, Peter Hofvenstam, Vesa Kainu, Esa Karppinen 
and Ove Mattsson were re-elected to the Board. Ove Mattsson was re-elected      
Chairman of the Board.                                                          


During 2007, the Group will concentrate on restoring the profitability. The     
focus on the primary business segment of the Group, the Industry Division, will 
be sharpened and a new business organization will be introduced. The Group will 
benefit further from the acquisition of Pacific Composites and the restructuring
measures implemented at enhancing efficiency and cutting costs. Although the    
important antenna profile sales will continue to slightly decline the overall   
market development for the Industry Division is expected to remain positive.    

The Sport Division is improving its negative performance, but due to a mild     
winter with low sales and prolonged sourcing problems, the profitability will   
improve slowly.                                                                 

The primary business risks in 2007 lie in market demand, both in certain        
Industry and Sport segments, especially Nordic Walking; in the efficient        
sourcing, as well as in a continued shortage of carbon fibre.                   

For the full-year 2007, Exel expects the profit before taxes to improve compared
with the 2006 result before taxes and non-recurring items.                      

Vantaa, 25.4.2007                                                               

Exel Plc                                                                        
Board of Directors                                                              

Further information:                                                            
Mr. Göran Jönsson, President & CEO, tel. +46 708 430110, or email               
Mr. Ilkka Silvanto, CFO, tel. +358 50 598 9553, or email ilkka.silvanto@exel.fi 

Helsinki Stock Exchange                                                         
Main news media                                                                 

INTERIM REPORT 1.1. - 31.3.2007                                                 

CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS                                               

CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT                                         

|      EUR thousand |      1.1. - |      1.1. - |    Change, % | 1.1. - 31.12. |
|                   |       31.3. |       31.3. |              |          2006 |
|                   |        2007 |        2006 |              |               |
| Net sales         |      28,797 |      25,600 |         12.5 |       112,395 |
| Other operating   |          44 |          30 |         46.7 |           145 |
| income            |             |             |              |               |
| Operating         |     -24,231 |     -23,173 |         -4.6 |      -106,046 |
| expenses          |             |             |              |               |
| Depreciation and  |      -1,084 |      -1,854 |         41.5 |        -6,108 |
| impairment        |             |             |              |               |
| Operating profit  |       3,526 |         603 |        484.7 |           386 |
| Net financial     |        -340 |        -151 |       -125.2 |        -1,067 |
| items             |             |             |              |               |
| Profit before tax |       3,186 |         452 |        604.9 |          -681 |
| Income taxes      |        -882 |        -129 |       -583.7 |           -52 |
| Profit/loss for   |       2,304 |         323 |        613.3 |          -733 |
| the period        |             |             |              |               |
| Attributable to:  |             |             |              |               |
| Equity holders of |       2,304 |         326 |              |          -724 |
| the parent        |             |             |              |               |
| company           |             |             |              |               |
| Minority          |           0 |          -3 |              |           -10 |
| interest          |             |             |              |               |
| Earnings per      |        0.19 |        0.03 |        598.7 |         -0.06 |
| share, EUR        |             |             |              |               |
| Earnings per      |        0.19 |        0.03 |        613.4 |         -0.06 |
| share, EUR,       |             |             |              |               |
| diluted           |             |             |              |               |

CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                            

| EUR thousand            |   31.3.2007 |  31.3.2006 |    Change |  31.12.2006 |
| ASSETS                  |             |            |           |             |
| Non-current assets      |             |            |           |             |
| Goodwill                |      10,027 |     14,122 |    -4,095 |      10,107 |
| Other intangible assets |       2,995 |        834 |     2,161 |       3,158 |
| Tangible assets         |      18,478 |     20,299 |    -1,821 |      18,766 |
| Deferred tax assets     |       2,340 |      1,933 |       407 |       2,200 |
| Other non-current       |          77 |         70 |         7 |          76 |
| assets                  |             |            |           |             |
| Non-current assets      |      33,917 |     37,258 |    -3,342 |      34,307 |
| total                   |             |            |           |             |
| Current assets          |             |            |           |             |
| Inventories             |      22,301 |     19,847 |     2,454 |      19,975 |
| Trade and other         |      21,121 |     19,088 |     2,033 |      20,695 |
| receivables             |             |            |           |             |
| Other liquid assets     |           0 |        829 |      -829 |           0 |
| Cash at bank and in     |       5,884 |      6,829 |      -945 |       6,199 |
| hand                    |             |            |           |             |
| Current assets total    |      49,306 |     46,594 |     2,712 |      46,869 |
| Non-current assets held |         746 |          0 |       746 |         748 |
| for sale                |             |            |           |             |
| Total assets            |      83,969 |     83,852 |       117 |      81,924 |
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES  |             |            |           |             |
| Shareholders´ equity    |             |            |           |             |
| Share capital           |       2,141 |      2,083 |        58 |       2,141 |
| Share issue             |           0 |      2,789 |    -2,789 |           0 |
| Share premium reserve   |       8,492 |      5,417 |     3,075 |       8,492 |
| Retained earnings       |      13,642 |     18,775 |    -5,133 |      14,453 |
| Profit for the period   |       2,304 |        326 |     1,978 |        -724 |
| Attributable to:        |      26,579 |     29,390 |    -2,811 |      24,363 |
| Equity holders of the   |             |            |           |             |
| parent company          |             |            |           |             |
| Minority share          |           0 |          7 |        -7 |           0 |
| Total equity            |      26,579 |     29,397 |    -2,818 |      24,363 |
| Non-current liabilities |             |            |           |             |
| Interest-bearing        |      25,451 |     27,135 |    -1,684 |      25,752 |
| liabilities             |             |            |           |             |
| Deferred tax            |         888 |      1,205 |      -317 |       1,091 |
| liabilities             |             |            |           |             |
| Current liabilities     |             |            |           |             |
| Interest-bearing        |       9,910 |      6,018 |     3,892 |       7,934 |
| liabilities             |             |            |           |             |
| Trade and other         |      21,142 |     20,095 |     1,047 |      22,782 |
| non-current liabilities |             |            |           |             |
| Total liabilities       |      57,390 |     54,455 |     2,935 |      57,561 |
| Total equity and        |      83,969 |     83,852 |       117 |      81,924 |
| liabilities             |             |            |           |             |

STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                    

| EUR thousand  |    Share |  Share |   Share | Retained |  Minority |   Total |
|               |  Capital |  Issue | Premium | Earnings |  Interest |         |
|               |          |        | Reserve |          |           |         |
| Balance at 1  |    2,070 |    287 |   5,142 |   19,530 |        10 |  27,039 |
| January 2006  |          |        |         |          |           |         |
| Share issue   |       13 |  2,502 |     274 |        0 |         0 |   2,789 |
| Exchange rate |        0 |      0 |       0 |     -681 |         0 |    -681 |
| differences   |          |        |         |          |           |         |
| Other items   |        0 |      0 |       0 |      -73 |         0 |     -73 |
| Dividend      |          |        |         |        0 |           |       0 |
| Profit for    |          |        |         |      326 |        -3 |     326 |
| the period    |          |        |         |          |           |         |
| Balance at    |    2,083 |  2,789 |   5,417 |   19,101 |         7 |  29,397 |
| 31st March    |          |        |         |          |           |         |
| 2006          |          |        |         |          |           |         |
| Balance at    |    2,141 |      0 |   8,492 |   13,729 |         0 |  24,363 |
| 1st January   |          |        |         |          |           |         |
| 2007          |          |        |         |          |           |         |
| Share issue   |        0 |      0 |       0 |        0 |         0 |       0 |
| Exchange rate |        0 |      0 |       0 |      -87 |         0 |     -87 |
| differences   |          |        |         |          |           |         |
| Other items   |        0 |      0 |       0 |        0 |         0 |       0 |
| Dividend      |          |        |         |        0 |           |       0 |
| Profit for    |          |        |         |    2,304 |         0 |   2,304 |
| the period    |          |        |         |          |           |         |
| Balance at    |    2,141 |      0 |   8,492 |   15,946 |         0 |  26,579 |
| 31st March    |          |        |         |          |           |         |
| 2007          |          |        |         |          |           |         |

CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                      

| EUR thousand                 |   1.1. - |    1.1. - |    Change |     1.1. - |
|                              |    31.3. |     31.1. |           |      31.3. |
|                              |     2007 |      2006 |           |       2006 |
| Cash Flow from Operating Activities     |           |           |            |
| Profit for the period        |    2,304 |       323 |     1,981 |       -733 |
| Adjustments                  |    2,283 |     2,913 |      -630 |      9,330 |
| Change in working capital    |   -4,409 |      -387 |    -4,022 |        245 |
| Cash Flow Generated by       |      178 |     2,849 |    -2,671 |      8,842 |
| Operations                   |          |           |           |            |
| Interest paid                |     -610 |      -193 |      -417 |       -998 |
| Interest received            |      107 |        40 |        67 |        195 |
| Other financial items        |        0 |         0 |         0 |          8 |
| Income taxes paid            |     -883 |    -1,385 |       502 |     -2,819 |
| Net Cash Flow from Operating |   -1,208 |     1,311 |    -2,519 |      5,228 |
| Activities                   |          |           |           |            |
| Cash Flow from Investing Activities     |           |           |            |
| Acquisitions                 |        0 |   -18,687 |    18,687 |    -18,279 |
| Capital expenditure          |     -587 |      -848 |       261 |     -2,655 |
| Proceeds from sale of fixed  |        0 |         0 |         0 |          0 |
| assets                       |          |           |           |            |
| Other cash flow from         |        0 |         0 |         0 |          0 |
| investing activities         |          |           |           |            |
| Cash Flow from Investing     |     -587 |   -19,535 |    18,948 |    -20,934 |
| Activities                   |          |           |           |            |
| Cash Flow from Financing     |          |           |           |            |
| Share issue                  |        0 |     2,789 |    -2,789 |      3,134 |
| Proceeds from long-term      |        0 |    18,000 |   -18,000 |     18,000 |
| borrowings                   |          |           |           |            |
| Instalments of long-term     |     -611 |      -608 |        -3 |     -1,991 |
| borrowings                   |          |           |           |            |
| Change in short-term loans   |    2,185 |        16 |     2,169 |      2,079 |
| Instalments of finance lease |      -94 |       -93 |        -1 |       -375 |
| liabilities                  |          |           |           |            |
| Dividends paid               |        0 |         0 |         0 |     -4,720 |
| Net Cash Flow from Financing |    1,480 |    20,104 |   -18,624 |     16,127 |
| Change in Liquid Funds       |     -315 |     1,880 |    -2,195 |        421 |
| Liquid funds in the          |    6,199 |     5,778 |       421 |      5,778 |
| beginning of period          |          |           |           |            |
| Change in liquid funds       |     -315 |     1,880 |    -2,195 |        421 |
| Liquid funds at the end of   |    5,884 |     7,658 |    -1,774 |      6,199 |
| period                       |          |           |           |            |

QUARTERLY KEY FIGURES                                                           

| EUR thousand         |     I/2007 |  IV/2006 |  III/2006 | II/2006 |  I/2006 |
| Net sales by segment |            |          |           |         |         |
| Industry             |     26,697 |   27,260 |    27,691 |  26,869 |  23,130 |
| Sport                |      3,727 |    4,972 |     4,475 |   3,913 |   5,910 |
| Intra Group sales    |     -1,628 |   -1,871 |    -3,638 |  -2,875 |  -3,440 |
| Net sales, total     |     28,797 |   30,361 |    28,527 |  27,907 |  25,600 |
| Operating profit by  |            |          |           |         |         |
| segment              |            |          |           |         |         |
| Industry             |      4,283 |   -2,790 |     1,984 |   2,101 |   2,075 |
| Sport                |       -704 |   -2,311 |    -3,602 |  -1,912 |  -1,573 |
| Intra Group items    |        -53 |      160 |       597 |     -23 |     100 |
| Operating profit,    |      3,526 |      639 |    -1,020 |     164 |     603 |
| total                |            |          |           |         |         |
| Net financial items  |       -340 |     -331 |      -258 |    -327 |    -151 |
| Profit before taxes  |      3,186 |      307 |    -1,278 |    -162 |     452 |
| Income taxes         |       -882 |     -325 |       258 |     144 |    -129 |
| Profit for the       |      2,304 |      -18 |    -1,020 |     -18 |     323 |
| period               |            |          |           |         |         |
| Earnings per share,  |       0.19 |     0.00 |     -0.09 |    0.00 |    0.03 |
| EUR                  |            |          |           |         |         |
| Earnings per share,  |       0.19 |     0.00 |     -0.09 |    0.00 |    0.03 |
| EUR, diluted         |            |          |           |         |         |
| Average number of    |            |          |           |         |         |
| shares, undiluted,   |            |          |           |         |         |
| 1,000 shares         |     11,897 |   11,897 |    11,897 |  11,873 |  11,652 |
| Average number of    |            |          |           |         |         |
| shares, diluted,     |            |          |           |         |         |
| 1,000 shares         |     11,897 |   11,897 |    11,897 |  11,873 |  11,896 |
| Average number of    |        576 |      556 |       644 |     652 |     518 |
| personnel            |            |          |           |         |         |

COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES                                                   

| EUR thousand                   |    31.3.2007 |    31.3.2006 |    31.12.2006 |
| On own behalf                  |              |              |               |
| Mortgages                      |        2,953 |        2,953 |         2,953 |
| Corporate mortgages            |       12,500 |       12,500 |        12,500 |
| Lease liabilities              |              |              |               |
|   -  in next 12 months         |          527 |          184 |           554 |
|   -  in next 1-5 years         |        2,254 |          223 |         2,246 |
| Other commitments              |          589 |           64 |           805 |

DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS                                                

| Nominal values                  |   31.3.2007 |    31.3.2006 |    31.12.2006 |
| EUR thousand                    |             |              |               |
| Foreign exchange derivatives    |             |              |               |
| Forward contracts               |       8,269 |        8,594 |         8,269 |
| Purchased currency options      |       3,038 |        1,637 |         3,086 |
| Sold currency options           |       1,898 |          811 |         1,922 |
| Interest rate derivatives       |             |              |               |
| Interest rate swaps             |         777 |        6,332 |           860 |
| Purchased interest rate options |       4,667 |            0 |         4,667 |

CONSOLIDATED KEY FIGURES                                                        

| EUR thousand                 |    1.1.- |    1.1. - | Change, % |     1.1. - |
|                              |    31.3. |     31.3. |           |     31.12. |
|                              |     2007 |      2006 |           |       2006 |
| Net sales                    |   28,797 |    25,600 |      12.5 |    112,395 |
| Operating profit             |    3,526 |       603 |     484.7 |        386 |
| % of net sales               |     12.2 |       2.4 |           |        0.3 |
| Profit before tax            |    3,186 |       452 |     604.9 |       -681 |
| % of net sales               |     11.1 |       1.8 |           |       -0.6 |
| Profit for the period        |    2,304 |       323 |     613.3 |       -733 |
| % of net sales               |      8.0 |       1.3 |           |       -0.7 |
| Shareholders´ equity         |   26,579 |    29,390 |      -9.6 |     24,363 |
| Interest-bearing liabilities |   35,360 |    33,154 |       6.7 |     33,687 |
| Cash and cash equivalents    |    5,884 |     7,318 |     -19.6 |      6,199 |
| Net interest-bearing         |   29,476 |    25,496 |      15.6 |     27,488 |
| liabilities                  |          |           |           |            |
| Capital employed             |   61,939 |    62,551 |      -1.0 |     58,050 |
| Return on equity, %          |     36.2 |       4.6 |           |       -2.9 |
| Return on capital employed,  |     24.3 |       5.0 |           |        1.2 |
| %                            |          |           |           |            |
| Equity ratio, %              |     31.7 |      35.1 |           |       29.9 |
| Net gearing, %               |    110.9 |      86.7 |           |      112.8 |
| Capital expenditure          |      587 |    16,958 |     -96.5 |     19,863 |
| % of sales                   |      2.0 |      66.2 |           |       17.7 |
| Research and development     |      815 |       492 |      65.7 |      2,169 |
| costs                        |          |           |           |            |
| % of net sales               |      2.8 |       1.9 |           |        1.9 |
| Order stock                  |   14,614 |    13,718 |       6.5 |     15,040 |
| Earnings per share, EUR      |     0.19 |      0.03 |     598.7 |      -0.06 |
| Earnings per share, EUR,     |     0.19 |      0.03 |     613.4 |      -0.06 |
| diluted                      |          |           |           |            |
| Equity per share, EUR        |     2.23 |      2.49 |     -10.4 |       2.05 |
| Average number of shares     |          |           |           |            |
|  - cumulative                |   11,897 |    11.652 |       2.1 |     11,830 |
|  - cumulative, diluted       |   11,897 |    11.896 |       0.0 |     11,847 |
| Average number of employees  |      576 |       518 |      11.2 |        600 |